System of Innovation

Frankly speaking, we always face the crisis in path of our live. We are living from one crisis to other ones, from upper level crisis to more lower level, from bigger one to smaller ones, or vice versa. Thus, what matters actually is not the crisis inherently, rather significantly the character(s) embedded, namely "uncertainty"..

Uncertainty is the most important challenge we have faced, are challenging and will face. Our previous generations have faced the uncertainties, we are experiencing also, and our future generations as well. So, if the problem of all generations is likely the same, then why interpretations is different, specific, and context-based?

It is about the "innovation" what make the interpretations differ! Innovation-based thinking always face the crisis with enthusiasm. They are looking for the differences, with uncertainties. They are creating the "niches". But why? Isn't that a measurements that need different effort from the "routines", breaking the old-rules, forgetting what we have learned, and sometimes de-learning what we have already committed together? Yes, of course! And that is the significant differentiation, between innovation-based thinking and not.

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Tak tahu kenapa dan mengapa, kita disajikan informasi, berita, cerita, novel, pikiran, hingga paradigma bahwa negara kita "tertatih-tatih" secara ekonomis, pendidikan, polits, sosial, dan lainnya. Cerita yang meng-headline, thema yang panas, ide-ide yang muncul, hampir semuanya menyatu menuju kondisi tersebut. Ada apa dengan negeriku?

Paragraf ini diluar konteks. Masa kecil saya sungguh menyenangkan; kompleks yang dinamis, teman yang kreatif dan penuh permainan, menikmati suasana sebagai "developing countries" dengan ceria, tawa..Yang berkecukupan dan yang tidak saling menyatu, bergaul, menjalin tali-persahabatan yang langgeng. Lalu karena sekolah atau hal lain, mencari ilmu, kita melangkah ke dunia lain, teman lain, suasan baru; tapi tetap dengan kenangan yang tak pernah terlupakan. Pada akhirnya kita menikmati ilmu, pengalaman, pemikiran, yang kita cerap, digali, diberi dengan ikhlas oleh para guru-guru dan dosen-dosen tercinta, sehingga akhirnya kita bisa berkata: "ada apa dengan Indonesia?", "negaraku lagi bangkrut".. hujatan, umpatan, makian menggema di bumi Indonesia! Sesungguhnya, dasar-dasar makian, hujatan, umpatan tersebut terbentuk dalam benak mereka karenaselagi di Indonesia. "Ibu" dari pikiran mereka adalah bernama "Indonesia". Inikah yang kita berikan pada "Indonesia kita"?

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Frankly speaking, we always face the crisis in path of our live. We are living from one crisis to other ones, from upper level crisis to more lower level, from bigger one to smaller ones, or vice versa. Thus, what matters actually is not the crisis inherently, rather significantly the character(s) embedded, namely "uncertainty"..

Uncertainty is the most important challenge we have faced, are challenging and will face. Our previous generations have faced the uncertainties, we are experiencing also, and our future generations as well. So, if the problem of all generations is likely the same, then why interpretations is different, specific, and context-based?

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